Good music and exciting festivals exist both in the Czech Republic and in Germany. Kultur Aktiv made sure that the Bunte Republik Neustadt (BRN) cooperates with the Kramle Festival of Decín (CZ) through a mutual exchange of music bands. Despite the regrettable failure of the Lustgarten we are also active this year on the BRN and present after Cargo Gallery and the impending art project Anrandungen, another Czech-German cooperation. Dobrý, dobrý!
Already on 30/05/2015 a band from Dresden named Klangteppich played on the Kramle Festival in Decín. On BRN weekend the Czech bands „Phil Shoenfelt & Southern Cross“ and „Trio Deshane“ come to the BRN-stage of the Café Neustadt. At Martin-Luther-Platz on Friday, June 19 at 22:15 a reunion with Indie legend and Rock and Roll veteran Phil Shoenfelt will take place, this time with the complete band! On Saturday at 13:00 „Trio Deshane“ will deliver relaxed ethno-jazz sounds that will reveal some unexpected Norwegian-Czech connections.
In Autumn, photo exhibitions follow on the festival in Decín and in Dresden with Denise Häse (DE) and Klára & Vlada (CZ). Attention: if you send a picture you can also become part of the exhibition! We open the exhibition to the twelve best BRN photos you took! More information on how to participate you can find here: BRN Photo Contest! In Dresden, the exhibition „back/stage“ will be opened in our gallery NEUE OSTEN on 16/10/2015 and can be visited until 03/11/2015. This exhibition will take place in the frame of Pragomania Festival and the 17th edition of the Czech – German Cultural Days in Dresden.
More information about the Kramle festival and our Czech partners of Slunečnice, o.s. here!
The project is funded by the Czech Ministry of Culture and the Czech-German future fund.