MusicMatch Festival // 20th – 22 th April
MusicMatch is a festival, an extraordinary festival. During three days, you have the opportunity to experience twenty artists performing in three different Clubs. MusicMatch proposes well-established bands as well as talented newcomers. The musical spectrum ranges from hip hop, electronic to rock music and songwriters. The focus concerns the Saxon region. Saxon’s bands, labels, booking agency?
What is going on…MusicMatch shows you. Conferences during the day, festival at night.
- Alle Informationen zum MusicMatch Festival
- Facebookveranstaltung
- Festivaltickets und Tagestickets im VVK
MusicMatch conferences // 21th – 23 th April
During the festival different conferences will take place. Many topics will be discussed such as issues about the Saxon music scene as well as the ones concerning the western music industry. The festival takes its strength from the great participation of various actors who belong to the Saxon and European music scene.
- Programm der MusicMatch Konferenz
- Anmeldung zur Konferenz (Teilnahme kostenlos)
- Facebookveranstaltung
Extract of the Conference program
Panels with regard to the Saxon music scene
- Focus on Saxon music scene: Does Saxony need a Pop office?
- Club death – Gentrification from an organizer perspective
- GEMA – Friend or enemy?
International panels with discussion
- The rare species – Women in music industry
- Goodbye Merkel? – We wanna play abroad!
- You’re welcome! – How to get my band to Germany?
Lecture from a Ljubljana-member Ivan Novak
- “Laibach, North Korea & The Sound of Music”