Transkaukazja 2013: Presentation of the artists

Elena Pagel: Columbus entdeckt des ElbrusOn 06/20/2013, there will be another Transkaukazja presentation, this time by Sabina Shiklinskaya (AZ), again together with a scholar from Columbus/Ohio (US) in co-operation with Raskolnikow gallery.  Art scholars from America and Transcaucasia in Dresden: 06/20/2013, 7pm, Blaue Fabrik, Prießnitzstr. 44, 01099 Dresden, Mariana Smith (Columbus/ohio/USA) & Sabina Shikhlinskaya/Azerbaijan) Free entry!

06/28/2013, 7pm
Vernissage “Woman_looking from” Transkaukazja 2013,
Johannstadthalle, Holbeinstr. 68

previous events:

05/23/2013, 7pm, Welcome & Presentation
Galerie Raskolnikow, Böhmische Str. 34, D-01099 Dresden
Susan Li O’ Connor/Columbus (Ohio)/USA
Elene Rakviashvili/ Georgia, Eva Harut/Armenia

The event opens the Residence Action “WOMAN_ LOOKING FROM” with the three artists named above. | |
Organized by arthouse Raskolnikow & Kultur Aktiv, financed by the Europea Commission, Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen and the Saxonian state capital of Dresden