„USE – IT Dresden“: Citymap in English is available

Mission accomplished: The new USE-IT cityplan in English is finished! So, there are up-to-date maps again, with fresh design, updated information and all in all it has become a dandy city map for young guests again. We are really looking forward to this and would like to thank the Dresden Marketing GmbH, youth hostels and all of the crowdfunders on www.dresden-durchstarter.de for the financial support!

Special thanks of course to Michael “Lolli” Lottes and the editorial staff! Without their great non-profit work, the creation of this map would not have been possible! You can get the map from us as of now, or you contact directly:

Lollis Homestay
Dresden International Backpackers Hostel
phone: +49 (0)351 8108458
fax:   +49 (0)351 6465250
P.S: German maps are out of stock and we don’t have the resources to produce new ones. We hope for a possible funding in 2014.