Aserbaidschan – three photographic positions

Between oil boom, oriental-caucasian tradition, modern self-conception and the post-socialist legacy, this exhibition presents a foto-set from Azerbaijan, a country whose self-perception is that of a bridge between orient and occident. Participating artists Chingiz Babajew, Sevinj Aslanova and Fakhriyya Mammadova know how to document those many contradictions in an ironic and slightly provocative way. These pictures’ aesthetics are demure, beyond kitsch and romanticism. No tales from a thousand and one night, but pictures from a really existing country. The exhibition can be visited ‘til 11/03/2013 at gallery NEUE OSTEN. Free entry!

The vernissage took place on 09/06/2013.

Some photos from the event:

Aserbaidschan – drei fotografische Positionen

Chingiz Babajew
Sevinj Aslanova
Fakhriyya Mammadowa

06.09. – 03.11.2013

06.09.2013, 19 Uhr


Bautzner Straße 49, 01099 Dresden

Tel. Kurator Matthias Schumann +49-179-5420175