BACK/STAGE – Vernissage on the 16th October 2015

Two countries, two cities, two music festivals. The exhibition “back/stage“ shows photographic impressions from 2015 both of the Kramle-Festival in Decín/CZ and of the street festival of Dresden called Bunte Republik Neustadt (BRN) from German and Czech photographer‘s point of view. The pictures of Emílie Mrazíková (CZ) and Denise Häse (DE) offer a comparative look how our neighbours in Decín and how we celebrate in Dresden. The exhibition is enabled by the cooperation of Kultur Aktiv and the makers of the Kramle-Festival Slunečnice o.s.
The photographer and curator Denise Häse says: “In May 2015 I had the possibility to go on a musical trip in the band mobile of the group “Klangteppich“ from Dresden and to explore the Kramle-Festival in Decín (CZ) in photographic way. In June, I’ve photographed on Bunte Republik Neustadt (BRN) in Dresden around the concerts of the Czech bands “Phil Shoenfelt & Southern Cross“ and “Trio Deshane“.
Contemplative, informal festival-atmosphere, Czech kindness, singer-songwriter folkmusic-culture met the nationwide known, three days lasting, international, colorful, lively “collective crazyness“ of the district. Experiences, impressions that could not be more different, and still, the music conects people with different nationalities, age, with disability and shows how integration can work easily. In doubt – just dance together!

With photos of: Denise Häse (GER), Emílie Mrazíková (CZ) et al.
16.10.2015 – 03.11.2015
Vernissage: 16.10.2015, 7 pm