
Website for networking Ukrainian aid as well as calendar of events for people who have fled from Ukraine to Dresden

Immediately after Russia’s attack on Ukraine, the networking site dresdenstandswithukraine.de was launched. The aim was to use the strengths of Kultur Aktiv as an active network node in Ukraine and thus to make the diverse offers of Ukrainian aid in Dresden visible to the wider society. Later, the website focused more on events for people who had fled Ukraine.

Screenshot dresdenstandswithukraine.de


Initiative of Kultur Aktiv e.V. and Netzwerk | Medien | Kunst Dresden / CYNETART. In Dresden, both organisations stand for the intensive promotion of international cooperation in the field of art and culture in Eastern Europe.

  • Overview of events and programmes in Dresden aimed at Ukrainian refugees
  • Information portal for people from Dresden’s urban society who want to offer their help to Ukrainian refugees and initiatives

since 02/03/2022

Thomas Dumke, Simon Wolf

Simon Wolf

Editorial office
Kultur Aktiv

Cooperation partners
Netzwerk | Medien | Kunst Dresden / CYNETART
Ta(r)dino 6 Art Platform (Azerbaijan), IZOLYATSIA Platform for Cultural Initiatives (Ukraine)

Supported by

The project is funded by the State Ministry for Social Affairs and Social Cohesion. This measure is co-financed with tax revenue on the basis of the budget approved by the Saxon state parliament as part of the »Wir für Sachsen« funding programme.

In the year of its creation (2022), the project was funded by the Culture of Solidarity programme of the European Cultural Foundation and the Federal Agency for Civic Education.