Starting on 16/01/2015 the Gallery NEUE OSTEN, Dresden presents the exhibition themed From the Inside to the Outside – Sculpture in the Light of Photography with photographic works and sculptures by the Prague and Dresden based artist Jiří Čujan.
To illustrate inner processes has always been the ambition of sculptors since the Middle Ages, later in Baroque, and up to today’s time. Subtle gestures of saints in Gothic churches, emotional states, the message from the inside is mirrored in their faces. In the Baroque era, the dramatic body language additionally implies spiritual and emotional movement. In these portrayals Jiří Čujan finds the inspiration for his wooden statues. Jiří Čujan seizes the artistic language of the Gothic and Baroque statue design, modifies it already in the wood, and varies it then through photographic projection; a method which Čujan considers to be contemporary. Especially in these works he combines his photographs with his works as a sculptor.

Jiří Čujan studied at the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences of Zwickau in the wood sculptor course of Bruno Raetsch. Since 2006 he studies free sculpting, profile sculpting, and room conception in the class of Eberhardt Bosslet at the Dresden Academy of Fine Arts. He lives and works mainly in Dresden and Prague.
“From the Inside to the Outside – sculpture in the light of photography„
16.01.2015 – 03.03.2015
Vernissage: 16.01.2015, 19:00
Bautzner Straße 49
01099 Dresden
More information on the artist and examples of his work you can find here.
More information on the Gallery NEUE OSTEN you can find here.