At the moment, people in Belarus are fighting for democracy and human rights. The two-day exhibition “Cultprotest in Belarus. Posters around the political crisis 2020” provides a small insight into current events.
On 9 August 2020, the presidential election took place without the presence of international election observers. Dictator Alexander Lukashenko has been in power for 26 years and has once again allowed himself to be crowned the winner. The obvious serious electoral fraud was followed by nationwide peaceful protests demanding fair elections and political change. These have been met with extreme police violence from the start. Several thousand peaceful protesters and bystanders were arrested, brutally beaten and detained under inhumane conditions. Many of those arrested have been tortured, at least six deaths have been officially confirmed and dozens of people are still missing. Despite everything, people continue to show their solidarity and protest peacefully against state violence.
In the exhibition, the Dresden-based association Kultur Aktiv e.V. presents a selection of visual works, posters and flyers created in recent weeks and published on the website cultprotest.me. Kultur Aktiv e.V. has been cooperating with civil society actors in Belarus for more than ten years. The website cultprotest.me was launched in July 2020 by Belarusian designers and features posters and slogans created by international artists, designers and anonymous demonstrators. New ones are added daily. In this way, the events are documented chronologically and artistically. The aim is to make the works available to everyone for protest and solidarity actions.
Outdoor exhibition on 25 & 26 September 2020, 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. each day.
Introductory words by the curators Ulyana Kosidlowska (Belarus) and Simon Wolf (Germany): Friday 25 September 2020, 5:00 p.m.
Around the Kugelbrunnen, Martin-Luther-Platz, Dresden

The exhibition took place as part of the neu.statt.fest.
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