Have you always wanted to know who is behind Kultur Aktiv? Are you looking for a way to get involved? Are you looking for like-minded people for your next trip to Eastern Europe? Are you interested in what Kultur Aktiv is currently working on? You have an idea yourself, but the final touch or the contact to the Eastern European artist is still missing?
Come to the Yerevan Salon! Bring your friends! Meet other Eastern European enthusiasts over snacks and drinks! Samovar and Pivo are ready. We look forward to seeing you!
Of course, the Salon visit is also a good opportunity for all those who cannot manage to visit the current exhibition during the day.
The idea for the “Salon Yerevan” series of events arose within the framework of the process funding “Profil: Soziokultur”. Supported by the Fonds Soziokultur with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of NEUSTART KULTUR.