Die Fotos von Janak Kouzel und Peter Fischer sind noch bis zum 05.02.19 in der Galerie nEUROPA zu bestaunen.
It is well known that Kultur Aktiv likes to look east, but this time the journey went a bit further than usual. The story begins with the Belarusian Janak Kouzel, who travelled to Japan in 2014 for research purposes. There he met Mama Rosa for the first time and a little later he was allowed to attend a performance of her theatre group “Manjushaka”. He was immediately enthusiastic and decided to get to know the life of the theatre group better and to document it photographically. These photos are shown since 07.12.2018 in the gallery nEUROPA. However, not only the photographer, but also 8 members of the theatre group travelled to the vernissage and their first performance in Germany took place in rooms of the Ausländerrat Dresden.
In which Peter Fischer spontaneously photographed. These photos, dominated by the coloured costumes, were also exhibited by the gallery team from 11.01.19 onwards.
We were very happy about this international exchange and about the meeting of the different cultures in our gallery.
The photos of Janak Kouzel and Peter Fischer can be admired until 05.02.19 in the gallery nEUROPA.