In a few days a new adventure of the cultural activists will start – We are travelling to the Caucasus again! Within the framework of the seminar “Life After Mobility Projects”, which is implemented with the support of ERASMUS+, we are on our way to Armenia. The project is organised together with the organisation YIC (Youth Initiative Centre).

“Life After Mobility Projects” is a seven-day training seminar for young people with the aim of improving the quality of non-formal mobility learning programmes and increasing their impact on employability by providing youth workers and mentors with techniques and competences to design an efficient system to support young people in their mobility project.
With this project we want to develop new creative ways to support and accompany young people before, during and after their mobility project. We also want to explore the existing mechanisms for assessment, recognition and validity of the projects, as well as the competences gained at European and local level. We also consider it important to find links between the potential of mobility projects and employability. In the framework of LAMP we want to discuss with the group of participants and regional stakeholders about visibility, interdisciplinary cooperation and general for the mobility programme in general and to exchange with regional partners and lay the foundation for future cooperation in this field.
The Kultur Aktiv team consists of project coordinator Anna Perepechai (former European volunteer at Kultur Aktiv) and 3 other participants: Michael Gottwald (EVS coordinator at Kultur Aktiv), Marta Pelka (former European volunteer), and Pablo Quevedo (former European volunteer).
The project was realised to continue the cooperation between Kultur Aktiv and YIC. Last year we organised together “Linking Bridges – Building Neworks”.