Dear cultural activists,
After the Easter weekend, one thing is clear: winter is definitely over. Our Winterreisen also came to an end last week. In the Veränderbar – the small but fine socio-cultural oasis far away from and yet within walking distance of the Neustadt mainstream – more or less well-travelled people met once a week and reported on their adventures.
Wo sonst Konzert auf Kicker, Galerie auf Philospohie und Literatur auf Filmkunst trifft, ging’s gleich zu Beginn hoch hinaus – mit der BSG Bergsucht und einer Wandertour auf der grünen Insel Irland. Das waren nicht die einzigen Läufer und Bergsteiger: Auch aus Sachsen (Marcus Oertel), Mallorca (Friederike Fischer & Michael Merkel), Nepal (Marcus Nölle) und Japan (noch einmal BSG Bergsucht) lässt sich von spannenden Reisen berichten. Die Fotografen unter den Vortragenden zeigten besondere Bilder: Jan Oelker nahm uns mit auf eine Reportage- oder vielmehr Zeitreise ins Jahr 1992 zum längsten Schlittenhunderunnen der Welt nach Kamtschatka. Peter Fischer zeigte gleich zweimal besondere Blicke auf Landschaft und Leute: im spanischen Andalusien sowie quer durch Sachsen. Matthias Schumann und Stefan Richter hatten jeweils Bilder und Geschichten aus Osteuropa dabei: vom viel umschwärmten georgischen Wein und nicht mehr ganz so geheimen Tipps in Albanien.
Where concert usually meets table football, gallery meets philosophy and literature meets film art, things got off to a flying start right at the beginning – with the BSG Bergsucht and a hiking tour on the Emerald Isle of Ireland. These were not the only runners and mountaineers: there were also reports of exciting journeys from Saxony (Marcus Oertel), Mallorca (Friederike Fischer & Michael Merkel), Nepal (Marcus Nölle) and Japan (once again BSG Bergsucht). The photographers among the speakers showed special pictures: Jan Oelker took us on a reportage or rather a journey back in time to 1992 to the world’s longest sledge dog run in Kamchatka. Peter Fischer showed two special views of the landscape and people: in Andalusia, Spain, and across Saxony. Matthias Schumann and Stefan Richter each brought pictures and stories from Eastern Europe: from the much-admired Georgian wine and not-so-secret tips in Albania.
We would like to thank all volunteers, without whom the winter trips would not be possible! In the background and well in advance is our association member Christian Schenk, who coordinated all the lectures and guided the guests through the event evenings. This year’s lectures were given by ten volunteer speakers. A very special thank you goes to our co-operation partners and hosts from artderkultur e.V., whose members looked after us and the more than 360 guests evening after evening.
After Winterreisen is before Winterreisen
Have you already planned a trip for this year? Or have you had a photographic travelogue in your drawer for a while? Then why not tell us about your experiences next year! Secure your place at the Winter Travels 2025 and write an email to
You can find out more about our new events in spring in the latest newsletter!
Enjoy your explorations and best wishes from Dresden Neustadt!
You can read the complete Nuslätta in the archive.