Dear cultural activists,
next Friday, 2 February 2024, at 8 pm, we will be opening the exhibition “nEUROPA – Photographic Perspectives on Change” at the Galerie nEUROPA and presenting the recently published book of the same name. In doing so, we are summarising the gallery’s work over the past four years as a cultural bridge between Dresden and the countries of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe.
The former socialist countries of Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe and the successor states of the Soviet Union outline the geographical focus of Galerie nEUROPA Dresden. In terms of content, the spectrum of themes ranges from dealing with the legacy of socialism, coming to terms with history, the new challenges of the transformation of societies, visual art, music and theatre to everyday observations and very personal photographic works.
At the beginning of 2020, Elena Pagel, Matthias Schumann, Simon Wolf and Jan Oelker took over the nEUROPA gallery as a newly formed gallery team. Since then, a total of 15 exhibitions have been shown.
Under the title “nEUROPA – Photographic Perspectives on Change”, the gallery team takes stock of the work of the last four years in 15 posters. As part of the vernissage, the one-hundred-page photo magazine of the same name will be presented to the public for the first time.
A warm invitation & best wishes from Dresden Neustadt!
You can read the complete Nuslätta in the archive.