Dear cultural activists,
Before we say goodbye to the holidays, we want to give you a preview of the programme highlights in January. So get your diaries out and mark them now: there are various workshops and exhibitions on offer – some new, some familiar and yet always worth a surprise. Including an already well-rehearsed series of lectures… We are looking forward to it:
Winterreisen 10 weeks. 10 lectures!
Come to the Winterreisen evenings: from January – March 2024, every Tuesday, 8 pm, in the Veränderbar (Görlitzer Straße 42 HH, 01099 Dresden). And experience exciting travel stories from near and far in the best Neustadt pub atmosphere! Hiking in Mallorca, in the Saxon province or would you prefer trekking in Nepal? Travelling with child & cone – sorry: caddy – in Albania, in search of the oldest woman in Europe – in Georgia – or rather pulled by Siberian huskies through the snowy Kamchatka of the early 1990s… There are plenty of stories!
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the travel enthusiasts and globetrotters who have shared their experiences with us, our club member Christian for organising the events and artderkultur e.V. for their renewed hospitality in the much-loved Veränderbar!
But now it’s time to pause for a few days and recharge our batteries for the coming year.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Many greetings from Dresden Neustadt!
PS: We will be back on 3 January 2024. Office an gallery nEUROPA will be closed from 22 December 2023 to 2 January 2024.

You can read the complete Nuslätta in the archive.