As part of the project zusammen.HALT we organize a trilateral youth exchange from 11th to 18th of June 2023 in the museum Gedenkstätte Bautzner Straße and at other historical place in Dresden and Saxony. The participants from Czech Republic, Poland and Germany and pupils from 10th and 11th classes or young adults. Together they will discover historical stories and places, interview eye witnesses and to get into conversation about such questions as: How did people in GDR and in other socialistic countries in Eastern Europe dream of freedom? What niches and ways have they found for this? How did the state intervene when it saw the cohesion (in de: Zusammenhalt) of socialist society endangered? How people may think about it today?
The participants will learn from professional trainers how does Citizen Journalism and Slam work. In Citizen Journalism workshop, they will visit places related to historical stories and develop their own stories about it, whether with text, photos, film or a combination of these. At the end the will present these stories. At the Slam the participants meet an eye witness. Together they will develop a dialogue and perform it to the public. The presentations will take place on 16th June as part of the youth conference „Sehnsucht nach Freiheit. Jugendfreiheitskonferenz“ (en. Longing for freedom. Youth freedom conference) and on 17th June as part of City Hall Open Day event in Dresden.
Interested young people (15 to 18 years) can apply to participate here! Please fill in the following form:
In Czech Republic and Poland, the participation in the youth exchange is organized by Post Bellum/Prague and European Center of Solidarity/Danzig. The common language is English.
The project “zusammen.Halt” is run by the Bautzner Straße Memorial and in cooperation with Kultur Aktiv. It is funded by the federal programme “Jugend erinnert” (Youth Remembers) to come to terms with the injustices of the GDR and will run until the end of 2023.