With Kultur Aktiv at the Intercultural Days 2023

The 33rd Intercultural Days will take place in Dresden from 17 September to 8 October. The motto of this year's series of events is "What unites us" / "Was uns verbindet" and thus puts the commonalities of all Dresdeners in the foreground.

Our events within the framework of the Intercultural Days

The complete programme of the 33rd Intercultural Days can be found in the calendar of events on dresden.de. If you would like to have a print copy of the chic German-English reversible booklet, you are welcome to pick up a programme booklet at our office or at all information centres and city district offices of the state capital Dresden. You can also download the programme online in German (barrie-free), English, Arabic, Russian, Spanish und French.

Interkulturelle Tage 2023
Intercultural Days 2023 © Ed. Landeshauptstadt Dresden,
Integration and Foreigners’ Commissioner, Office for Press, Public Relations and Protocol, February 2023,
Graphic: Ö GRAFIK

Why do we have Intercultural Days in Dresden?

Dresden is a diverse and cosmopolitan city. With Intercultural Days we would like to emphasize this diversity and promote mutual understanding among all inhabitants, regardless of appearance, origin or religion. A large variety of different events during Intercultural Days offers the opportunity to discover the community we live in and create new ideas together. Moreover, they also encourage the collaborative spirit of working together and promote equality through the reduction of prejudices and stereotypes. Intercultural Days offer the opportunity to numerous participants from Dresden to present themselves and their ideas, and to preserve the openness and diversity of Dresden.