Photo exhibition „Euromaidan“ – Vernissage 01.08.2014

Ukrainian photographer Vladyslav Musienko has taken pictures  of all phases of the so called Euromaidan revolution from November 2013 to February 2014. Thereby, a photo exhibition came into existence that offers a genuine opportunity to comprehend the events during the revolution on Maidan Square in Kiev.   Thereby, the Dresden based association Kultur Aktiv (that hosts the second exhibition at Galerie Treibhaus this year) creates an opportunity to satisfy the great demand for information and debates.

After this exhibition was hosted at the Nikolaikirche in leipzig and the Klosterkirche in Zittau, the Treibhaus in Dresden Neustadt provides a much more secular environment. The organizers would like us to use the exhibition to talk and find out about what’s really happening in the Ukraine and how it affects us. This is even more important since the conflict in the Ukraine remains unresolved and has escalated itself into a horrible civil war in the eastern part of the country.

Exhibition with photos by Vladyslav Musienko

Opening event 2014/08/01, 7pm, former Treibhaus, Katharinenstr. 11-13 , 01099 Dresden
2014/08/01-31, 4pm – 6pm

An exhibition  by Bürgerkommitee Leipzig (Leipzig Civil Committee) , arranged by Umweltbibliothek Großhennersdorf (Großhennersdorf environmental library) in co-operation with Sächsische Landeszentrale für politische Bildung (Saxonian state department of political education).

For further information, please contact: Umweltbibliothek Großhennersdorf Am Sportplatz 3 02747 Großhennersdorf Tel.: 035873-40503 Mail: