Association trip Boskovice 2022

After well over two years of painful abstinence from meeting together, but especially traveling together, we are thrilled that the culturally active travel group will finally be on the road together again. For the new start it goes to familiar and beloved realms with goulash, Pivo and rock'n'roll.

After well over two years of painful abstinence from meeting together, but especially traveling together, we are thrilled that the culturally active travel group will finally be on the road together again. For the new start it goes to familiar and beloved realms with goulash, Pivo and rock’n’roll:

From 07.07. (a Thursday) to 10.07.2022 (a Sunday) we will visit the Boskvice-Festival – There will be the possibility of comfortable camping, great music and we will meet our Czech partners who are also organising the festival.

Since the journey is the destination, we currently prefer a (6-hour) train ride through beautiful landscapes with a stopover in the Golden City, as God (here: Karel) likes to call Prague.

More detailed information will follow, of course. – Important now: Save the date!

We would also appreciate a short feedback until 05.06.2022 if, how long and with how many people you would like to participate. All this please to the tour guide Tobi:
You can reach me by phone at 01797721925.

Full of anticipation;

your cultural activists!

The event is supported by the German-Czech Future Fund.

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