New activity in December: Comic workshops for children/teenagers and adults ONLINE
Encounter and exchange often works without words, via art, pictures, symbols or similar abstractions. Comics/graphic novels as a medium, which are more than just picture stories, are becoming increasingly popular in this context. Comics are international and unite. Their structure is understood independently of cultural circles. The adventures of Donald Duck, Asterix or Batgirl are known all over the world, but the large number of auto-/biographical comics/graphic novels that have been published in the meantime (e.g. M. Satrapi – Persepolis, Mawil – Kinderland, Jacobson/Colón – Anne Frank) shows how well this medium suits itself for conveying even difficult personal or historical events in a simplified and at the same time appealing way. Biographical comic sign stands for a high quality of encounter with oneself and others and enables the processing of experiences – sometimes even traumatic experiences.
In the course of our integrative project LebensBILD, which brings together migrant and non-migrant participants by sharing personal stories in an intercultural dialogue and the artistic realization in the form of illustrations, it has become apparent that the approval and demand for more extended activities of this kind in the city is greater than expected.
In Dresden, the city libraries are also dedicating their annual theme 2020 to the medium “comic”. The central library in the Kulturpalast has its own manga/comic lounge. Together, the idea was born to organize a workshop series with a comic reference in several district libraries, which offers participants with and without migration experience the opportunity to come together through cultural and artistic education.
The courage to create your own biographical comic
Comics tell stories with pictures and text. This workshop encourages you to create your very own comic. But how are comics drawn? Stories in pictures live from the representation of feelings, facial expressions and gestures. How do you draw a face that expresses joy, anger or rage? How are hands drawn? How do you depict very specific character traits? Experienced illustrators and graphic designers are at your side and show you tricks and techniques in their very own style: Anja Maria Eisen, Anne Rosinski, Daniela Veit, Ines Hofmann, Liane Hoder, Luisa Stenzel, Paula Huhle, Rosa Brockelt
Participation free of charge. Registration is required at
Supported by
The project is supported by the House of Resources Dresden.