In a spontaneous action on the last weekend in November, our board member Thomas Richter and his companion Anja Schwank travelled to the PIN Conference in Skopje. The TAKSIRAT Festival crew had once again put together an exciting mix of inspiring panels and a great music programme. During the discussions with the colleagues from the Balkans, it became clear that the continuation of the cooperation is definitely desired and that we should think about flying to Skopje again with a Dresden band in 2023.
Through our close connections to Skopje, we have been able to regularly contribute to the cultural exchange between Dresden and the northern Macedonian partner city in recent years: several bands from Dresden have been placed at Pin Conference / TAKSIRAT, including Machine de Beauvoir (2019), Ogrom Circus (2018), Excessive Visage (2017), Weinhold (2016), Alberthain (2015), among others.
Supported by the City of Dresden, Mayor’s Office, Department of European and International Affairs.