Aussitzen Deluxe 2.0 – Die Verbundenen

Eintritt bzw. Teilnahme kostenlos

Eintritt bzw. Teilnahme kostenlos
With this performance, three Ukrainian activists – the writers Iryna Fingerova and Kseniya Fuchs and the TV journalist Tanya Ivanchenko – wanted to address the complex nature of censorship. What is behind censorship? What motivations and fears are associated with it? What neurotic disorders and consequences follow when we are unable to express ourselves freely? The founder and singer of the ethno-jazz band LELÉKA Viktoria Leléka and the drummer Jakob Hegner provided the musical accompaniment. Through visualisations, music and lyrics, the artists depicted how social institutions and expectations censor our thoughts and how art gives these thoughts free rein.
In a world where one in five people suffers from a mental disorder, literature and art are as important in combating existential crises as regular medication. Among other things, the artists wanted to remember Ukrainian and Belarusian political prisoners and show that there are living people behind the names.
Another important actor in this performance is the space in which it takes place – the Bautzner Straße Dresden memorial. During the time of the SED dictatorship, the grounds of the State Security were the site of a comprehensive repressive apparatus, responsible for political persecution, imprisonment and psychological torture. A depressing testimony to the lack of freedom in the GDR at the time and the historical site that today stands as a symbol for overcoming the dictatorship.
An event in cooperation with the Bautzner Straße Dresden Memorial and Kultur Aktiv e.V. The digital broadcast is made possible by the project Aussitzen Deluxe 2.0 of the Neustadt Art Kollektiv.
Gefördert durch das Amt für Kultur und Denkmalschutz.