Rainer Sennewald – North Vietnam

Görlitzer Str. 42 HH, 01099 Dresden, Germany

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Winterreisen. 11 weeks. 11 lectures. At the beginning of the year, every week Tuesday in the Veränderbar will be a travel lecture. Program overview
Excursion in the very north of Vietnam, just before Corona
By minibus under the guidance of a Vietnamese hydrologist trained in Freiberg, who came from a small farming background and became a university lecturer, 6 Freiberg-Freitaler-curious people went from Hanoi through the fertile plains into the vast tropical marble-limestone karst mountains of the northwest to Flag Hill at Vietnam’s northernmost border point with China. From there we drove leisurely in a large arc to the southeast over still narrow mountain roads and again some long detours to interesting natural areas and mining sites back to Hanoi. A last excursion of several days led to and into the karst peaks of Ha Long Bay drowned in the sea but also into the economically used coastal land. On the way back to Hanoi, we again passed through the ancient cultivated land of the intensively used and heavily populated river plains with several short stops in between. The conclusion was the midst of the Vietnamese New Year over 2 days in Hanoi. Because the route was aligned after for us interesting raw material extraction points (precious stones, tin, tungsten, antimony, coal, lead) in the middle of the mountains and at the coast, we received a very broad view of the history of the country, the geography, the everyday life of humans, the climate, the vegetation zones mostly off but also in tourist developed areas.
The lecture is intended to arouse curiosity in concise places and to provide some deeper insights and connections to the country, as far as this is possible in a good hour.
In cooperation with Art der Kultur