“Visible, networked, committed!”

Leutewitzer Ring 5, 01169 Dresden, Germany

Eintritt bzw. Teilnahme kostenlos
Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 10 am to 2 pm, as well as during all events in the JKS Passage and by prior arrangement.

Eintritt bzw. Teilnahme kostenlos
Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 10 am to 2 pm, as well as during all events in the JKS Passage and by prior arrangement.
Neighbourhoods are everywhere – we are right in the middle of it. With district walks, conversations in the green, creative workshops, exhibitions and much more.
Neighbours worked together, chatted and learned lots of interesting life stories. Surely in your neighbourhood too? To say thank you and celebrate the Dresden neighbourhoods together with you, there was a fine closing party + vernissage in the Gorbitz JKS Passage on 27.11.2023. A good 70 neighbours – big small / old young / from Gorbitz to Johannstadt – came together for Neighbourhood Sunday.
“Dresden neighbourhoods – visible, networked, committed!”
If you didn’t make it to the vernissage, you still have the opportunity to visit the exhibition until the end of the year and immortalise yourself in the large hidden object picture: during opening hours (Monday to Friday, 10 am to 2 pm) as well as during all events in the JKS Passage and by prior arrangement. Admission is free of charge.
Printed material for take-away
The extensive Neighbourhoods brochure is also available in the exhibition room. Grab a copy and take it with you! You can browse through it and dive into the small oases of togetherness and the discoveries we made in Cotta, Gorbitz, Prohlis, Johannstadt and many other places. Some of you will certainly find yourself and your story in this booklet.
JKS Passage – more than just partner and host
The JKS location Passage in the leafy district of Gorbitz is undergoing an extensive process of change. The old familiar space with its long tradition as an event location is currently being expanded by new forms of togetherness and is to become a lively cultural and neighbourhood centre in the heart of the district. Currently, the Passage has a multifunctional hall with a stage and a variety of event technology, a foyer with space to set up a café, and an appealing outdoor area that will be used more in the warmer months – not least to make the adjacent Amalie-Dietrich-Platz as a whole a peaceful, lively place.
Das Projekt Dresdner Nachbarschaften – sichtbar, vernetzt, engagiert! wird gefördert durch das Staatsministerium für Soziales und Gesellschaftlichen zusammenhalt. Diese Maßnahme wird mitfinanziert mit Steuermitteln auf Grundlage des vom Sächsischen Landtag beschlossenen Haushaltes im Rahmen des Landesprogrammes Integrative Maßnahmen.