Workshop – The magic of DRAWING (basic course 1/2)

Prießnitzstraße 18, 01099 Dresden, Germany

Eintritt bzw. Teilnahme kostenlos

Eintritt bzw. Teilnahme kostenlos
yOUR Community – Encounters, movement and cultural education for intercultural community
The playful handling of graphite, colour, light and paper
Day 1 · Discover the magic of drawing with workshop leader Anne Rosinski and be brave to form your very own handwriting. Together we will explore the material graphite on paper, in format and in its variety of grey tones. We play with the design elements – the dot, the line and the structure. We condense the forms and dissolve them again, play with light and shadow, use colour as the icing on the cake and together answer the question: If I were clouds, what would I be like?
Day 2 · We deal with the portrait and the self-portrait. We explore our own and the other participants’ facial features. With the help of blind drawing (with eyes closed) you will feel your face and transfer the line onto the paper. Free self-portraits are created, without the requirement to depict yourself in a natural way. Colours complement the drawings. With the question: If I were an animal, what would I be like? We continue to design the self-portraits that have been created. Let us surprise you!
We will provide the material. Of course, you are welcome to bring your own pens, brushes, watercolours or acrylics.
Gefördert durch den Freistaat Sachsen im Rahmen des Landesförderprogramms soziale Integration von Flüchtlingen. Gefördert von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.
Die Kunstkurse ZEICHNUNG sind Teil eines Projekts von Kultur Aktiv (Deutschland) in Zusammenarbeit mit Ta(r)dino 6 Art Platform (Aserbaidschan) und IZOLYATSIA Platform for Cultural Initiatives (Ukraine), das vom Programm Culture of Solidarity der Europäischen Kulturstiftung und der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung gefördert wird.