Gallery NEUE OSTEN presents „homeland“, a photographic essay on migration and homeland by Romanian photographer Laurentiu Feller from Nuremberg about a Romani family that immigrated into Germany. The exposition took place on Thursday, May 8th 2014 in the presence of the artist and the curator Matthias Schumann.
For several months, Laurentiu Feller, born in the Western Romanian city of Timisoara, accompanied a family that emigrated from his birthplace to Weiden/Upper Palatinate 5 years ago. He photographically portrays the social and emotional troubles that the family experienced in the beginning. In the process, he focuses the documentary, the fixation of the significant moment. He cares about the process of searching and finding an identity – both of his protagonists’ and his own.
Since the artist knows the family members since the time of his childhood, he’s able to tell a very personal story. By portraying the Romani family, Feller, who himself moved to Germany about 20 years ago, also illustrates problems and opportunities he had when he moved to Germany. The exhibition is being shown for the first time at gallery NEUE OSTEN.
Laurentiu Feller (Nürnberg)
Migration und Identität – ein Fotoessay
2014/08/05 – 2014/11/06
Bautzner Str. 49
01099 Dresden
opening 2014/05/08, 7pm
Die Ausstellung ist Teil unserer Veranstaltungsreihe “nEUROPA – Europa offen für Neues?” im Rahmen der Europawoche und des Projekts “Transkaukazja – Caucasian trails in Europe”.
Mit Unterstützung durch das Programm Kultur der Europäischen Union und des Freistaates Sachsen.
Fotocredits: Laurentiu Feller, Homeland, 2013.