We went to a training course about „Life after mobility“ together with our partner organization YIC (Youth Initiative Center) to Gyumri (Armenia) from 15. – 22. May 2016. From our organization we sent Anna Perepechai and Michael Gottwald to take part on this project. The training had together 25 participants from 8 different countries of European Union and from the East European partner countries.
A lot of the participants are active co-workers of an NGO, which in a lot of different ways deals with the development of the civil society in their countries. The focus of the courses was the topic of the unemployment of the youth in Europe and how the NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) can be integrated in the society.
Our main idea was the typical European volunteers in our counties. Thanks to that we realized that young volunteers represent sort of the elite of Europe and have less contact with other social groups. The aim of the European youth strategy is to reach exactly these other groups for the mobility projects, strengthen their independency and abilities so that they can later with the help of them easily integrate in the job market. We talked about this idea, look at it from different points of view and created new mutual project ideas.
The seminar took place mainly in Gyumri, but we also went for a day trip to visit the capital Yerevan together with a visit of the NGO ICIRLD International Center for Intercultural Research, Learning and Dialogue and the University of Yerevan, to see the difference between the formal and non-formal types of learning. But most of all we experienced a very intensive training course hopefully with a long-term impact!
Here is a list of individual NGOs, who delegated participants:
Yupi – Youth Union of People With Initiative, Famalicão, Braga, https://www.facebook.com/YUPI-Youth-Union-of-People-With-Initiative-153415908089942/
Jump In, Poggiardo http://www.jumpinweb.eu/
Eures, Turin https://ec.europa.eu/eures/public/it/homepage
Kultur Aktiv, Dresden https://www.kulturaktiv.org//
Ostpost, Berlin http://www.ostpost-berlin.de/de/
European Center for Initiatives, Poznan
Fundacja Laja, Cieszyn http://www.laja.pl/
Center for European Initiatives, Sumy http://www.eu.sumy.ua/en/center/
Adukacyja.info, Minsk http://adukacyja.info/
New Faces, Minsk http://new-faces.org/?lang=ru
Fialta, Minsk https://web.archive.org/web/20200323132255/https://fialta.org/
Institut for Democratic Changes, Tbilisi https://www.facebook.com/Institute-for-Democratic-Changes-IDC-236324379732309/
YIC, Gjumri http://yic.am/en
CEIPES, Jerevan https://www.facebook.com/CEIPESArmenia/
Global Youth Union, Jerevan https://www.facebook.com/global.youth.union.foundation/
ICIRLD – International Center for Intercultural Research, Learning and Dialogue, Jerevan http://intercultural.center/en/
Text: Michael Gottwald