nEUROPA – Photographic perspectives of change

Galerie nEUROPA

Jan Oelker, Elena Pagel, Matthias Schumann, Simon Wolf

© Ramin Mazur

Layout and typesetting
Simon Wolf

German with English intro

© 2024 Kultur Aktiv

Print edition
15 Euro (plus VAT / shipping costs)

Direct sales in the office or orders via / 0351 811 37 55


Fotografische Perspektiven des Wandels
Text by Jan Oelker

Seht nur her! Wir gehen hier nicht mehr weg!
Guest article by Ingo Petz

“Что делать?” – Lenin zwischen Hopp und Pop / On the treatment of Lenin monuments in Lithuania, Hungary, Ukraine, Russia and Germany
With photographs by Niels Ackermann / CH / Aleksandr Sinelnikov / UA / Elena Pagel / DE, RU / Rudolf Herz, Jan Oelker, Matthias Rietschel, Matthias Schumann, Lothar Sprenger / DE /

Kunst für die Katz / Art in public space in Prague after 1989
With photographs by Petra Vlachynská / CZ /

Youth of the North / The punk scene in Yakutsk
With photographs by Alexey Pavlov / RU /

Belarus.Protest.Kultur / Photographs and graphics from the protest against the fraudulent 2020 presidential elections
With photographs and graphics by Sergey Shabohin, Nadia Buzhan, Anna Kovshar, Antonina Slobodchikova, Alexander Vasukovich, Aleksey Kulinkovich, Irina Arekhovskaya, Laurynas Kamarauskas, Ilya Yerashevich, Andrei Liankevich, Vladimir Tsesler / BY /

Disappearing Memories / The demolition of historical and Soviet buildings in Yerevan
With photographs by Hayk Bianjyan / AM /

Unsichtbare Synagogen / In search of the former sites of Jewish places of worship in Bohemia
With photographs by Štěpán Bartoš / CZ /

Halde der Erinnerungen / The remains of a former prison and labour camp in Yakutia
With photographs by Evgeniya Zhulanova / RU /

Fragments of War / Photographic diary of ammunition fragments in the Donbas
With photographs by Dmytro Kupriyan / UA /

Motherland / An intergenerational visual dialogue
With photographs by Tori Ferenc / GB, PL /

WAR. Patterns and Scars / Impressions from the war
With photographs by Liubov Bespala, Sergey Zholonko / UA /

Inspiration Kuks / Encounters with the Bohemian Baroque
With photographs and drawings by Matthias Jackisch / DE /

Linkes Ufer • Ausdehnung / Everyday Scenes in Transnistria and the Occupied Crimea
With photographs by Ramin Mazur / MD /

DROA – Es ist Zeit / Portraits of the search for identity in Georgia
With photographs by Jana Islinger / DE /

Swanetien zwischen Tradition und Moderne / The consequences of mass tourism for the South Caucasus
With photographs by Stefan Applis / DE /

Ruinen der Vergessenheit / Traces of German settlers in the Mykoliiiv region
With photographs by Vadym Fedorov, Sergiy Kononenko / UA /