Rosa Brockelt

“Art – drawing in particular – is an important tool for me to process experiences, understand thoughts and capture memories. I didn’t attend art school, don’t own a portfolio, and don’t follow a long-tested creative process. Nevertheless, the urge to express myself artistically is often so strong that it is almost unbearable. 

Because I have only ever made art for myself, my projects and drawings always have a very personal reference: When I came back after a ten-month stay in Iran, I processed my impressions in the form of comic drawings. While trying to get to know my home country better, I began to document people, thoughts and memories through drawing while traveling. The conflict I feel inside me every day between German and Italian culture is something I try to make visually understandable for myself and others.”

Rosa Brockelt was born and raised in Italy, came to Dresden in 2011 for a Master’s degree in German Studies, and lived in Iran for almost a year in between. She teaches German as a foreign language, supports refugee students at the TU Dresden and works as a project assistant in various art and cultural projects. She draws everywhere, really.