Saxony in Dialogue – Project guidelines

The persons involved – applicants and participants, project team, trainers, audience at events, etc. – are decisive for the quality and content of the Saxony in Dialog project. The project team has developed guidelines for action and communication which form the basis of the joint work of all participants. The guidelines are applied throughout the project, e.g. already in the brainstorming and conception phase, when invitations to tender are sent out, when workshop participants and event locations are selected and when content is compiled for a final print publication. If the guidelines are not adhered to, participants will be excluded from the project.

Project guidelinies

  1. We seek dialogue with as many and as diverse Saxons as possible.
  2. Diversity of opinion, appreciative dialogue and lively discourse are important to us.
  3. We seek honest dialogue – without premises and with the openness that our counterparts might also be right.
  4. We exclude extremist and inhuman efforts, regardless of ideology. The values of our liberal, democratic basic order must always be respected by all those involved.
  5. We regard the division of our Saxon society as a danger and try to promote the inner-Saxon dialogue in the best possible way.
  6. We are committed to bringing people with different values and contrary political views into dialogue with each other and regard this as a contribution to the prevention of violence in Saxony.

Saxony in Dialogue tests innovative methods to (re-)activate a lively and controversial culture of conversation. Citizens from different communities enter into the inner-Saxon dialogue about everyday experiences and opinions on topics that are important for society as a whole. Two project modules (workshops, discussion events) contribute to creating encounters and exchanges between village and city dwellers from Saxony.

The project Saxony in Dialogue is supported by