That was my BFD at Kultur Aktiv – Sandro

My name is Sandro Hanke and I am 20 years young at this point. From August 2015 to the end of July 2016, I did my federal voluntary service at Kultur Aktiv e.V. in Dresden. After a year full of projects and impressions, I would like to report on my experiences here.

My name is Sandro Hanke and I am 20 years young at this point. From August 2015 to the end of July 2016, I did my federal voluntary service at Kultur Aktiv e.V. in Dresden. After a year full of projects and impressions, I would like to report on my experiences here.

My expectations in August 2015:
I was hoping for a wealth of new impressions, experiences and knowledge in the various fields of work of the association. I was looking forward to the challenges ahead and was confident about them.

My conclusion in July 2016:
I was really captivated by the association. The warm and friendly atmosphere made it easy for me to quickly find my feet and become an integral part of the team. It also gave me the opportunity to gain my first experience in the events industry. In the end, this year made me decide to pursue this direction further and so I am now starting my training as an event manager at Werk2 in Leipzig.

I can recommend the BFD at Kultur Aktiv to anyone who enjoys working with people, has fun and interest in culture and concerts and wants to gain insights into the event industry.

Sandro Hanke
Concert photographer