Winter is over and so are our Winterreisen. In a cosy atmosphere we were allowed to listen to the adventures of well traveled again this year.
We started with Stefan Richter in happy Bhutan and followed with Jan Oelker the tracks of Johannes Bobrowski through the Baltic States. We cracked through the Altai with Elena Pagel und Marcus Oertel, while Team Bergsucht.DD took us to two summits of the Alps. With Breitengrad e.V. we got into the car and drove through the desert, toured with Solche through Belarus and with the Jungen Ensemble Dresden to Georgia. With Alba Santa Barbara we admired Indian temples and thanks to Peter Fischer we now know more about Bohemian villages.
Many thanks to the speakers who took us on their journey. So we were able to escape the grey weather for two hours. A big thank you also goes to Atelier Schwartz for allowing us to use their premises again this year.
You have already planned a trip for this year? Then report about it next year! If you want to apply for one of the 10 places, you can send a mail now: So you will receive all information by mail from us as soon as we start planning the next Winterreisen.