Kultur Aktiv and Kolibri from Dresden/DE are going to send 12 youngsters to Georgia. A preparatory meeting took place at 19th August where the youngsters and their parents have met each other, got the recent news and have seen a funny movie about our partner school in Zugdidi/GE, the Alexander Gurtsky Highschool. We’re in a good mood and happy do the trip soon!
The 12 youngsters in the age from 12-16 years will travel during the autumn holidays from 3rd – 10th October to Zugdidi in Georgia, where they will meet local teenagers in the same age from the Alexander Gurtsky Highschool. They will have one week of common workshops and excursions about the topic how to avoid predjudices and be openminded. Next year, in the Easter holidays 2017 we will welcome our Georgian guests in Dresden. The project is open to disabled participants.
Time: 03rd -10th October 2016
Place: Zugdidi, Georgia (travel from Dresden)
Organisation & contact: Kultur Aktiv e.V., in cooperation with Kinder- und Elternzentrum Kolibri e.V. & Association Merkuri, Zugdidi/GE.
The project “Prejudices Visual Catalogue” is supported by the foundation EVZ in the frame of the program EUROPEANS FOR PEACE.