Moussa Mbarek

Moussa Mbarek, born 1985 in Ubari, Libya, lives in Dresden since 2015. He studied art foundry and as a guest student at the HfBK Dresden. His field of work is letterpress, linoleum and wood printing and sculptural design.

Moussa Mbarek, born 1985 in Ubari, Libya, lives in Dresden since 2015. He studied art foundry and as a guest student at the HfBK Dresden. His field of work is letterpress, linoleum and wood printing and sculptural design.

He curated numerous exhibitions and directed many artistic projects with young people and adults.

“Art for me is a language that everyone can understand. Through my artistic works I want to build bridges that encourage people to exchange. Discrimination, statelessness and flight are recurring themes in my works. I hope to bring people out of the shadows of society into the light. As a Tuareg, I also see myself as a cultural mediator between the peoples of the Sahara and Europe.“