Ehrenamt im Rampenlicht

We would like to say ‘Thank you’! Year after year, over 45 dedicated people in our organisation make an indispensable contribution to cultural projects and events that enrich social interaction. Without their commitment, many of these programmes would not be possible.
“Ehrenamt im Rampenlicht” - appreciation for committed people

“Ehrenamt im Rampenlicht” – appreciation for committed people

30. November 2024, 14:00 - 17:00
Zentralkino, Kraftwerk Mitte 16, Dresden

>>>> Registration and programme

A warm invitation!

Our event ‘Ehrenamt im Rampenlicht’ celebrates the valuable work of our volunteers and puts them in the spotlight! We not only want to show our appreciation, but also raise awareness of the importance of volunteering in the cultural sector. We want to inspire others to get involved and actively shape our cultural landscape. Together we can promote a vibrant and diverse culture that involves and enriches everyone!

Die Maßnahme wird im Rahmen des Kommunalen Ehrenamtsbudgets durch das Amt für Stadtstrategie, Internationales und Bürgerschaft der Landeshauptstadt Dresden gefördert.