City tour for blind and sighted people: Permanent exhibition of Dresden Romanticism in the Kügelgenhaus

Hauptstraße 13, 01097 Dresden, Germany

Eintritt bzw. Teilnahme kostenlos
Please send enquiries to: kontakt@dresden-sehen.de

Eintritt bzw. Teilnahme kostenlos
Please send enquiries to: kontakt@dresden-sehen.de
“Dresden spricht…” Workshops, guided tours, writing and printing workshops under the motto “Language and writing. Dresden speaks many languages”
The permanent exhibition of Dresden Romanticism in the Kügelgenhaus
90-minute guided tour through the permanent exhibition of Dresden Romanticism. There will also be some tastings of the clothing fashions of the time.
The Kügelgenhaus, located near the Neustädter Markt, is part of the ensemble of culturally and historically valuable town houses that have been preserved from the time of Augustus the Strong and which, together with modern shops, Dresden’s arts and crafts arcades and well-tended green spaces, give the Hauptstraße its special charm today.
The Kügelgenhaus was built between 1697 and 1699 as a three-storey building, later extended and given a turret. Below the roof cornice is the inscription ‘Everything depends on God’s blessing’, which is why the house has been called ‘Gottessegen’ for short since around 1730. During the redevelopment of the Neustädter Markt and Hauptstraße area between 1974 and 1980, the Kügelgenhaus, like the other surviving Baroque town houses on Hauptstraße, was reconstructed as a monument to Dresden’s town house architecture. During the construction work, richly painted wooden ceilings from the end of the 17th century were found in the former Kügelgen flat under stucco ceilings that were later installed. The reconstruction of the Kügelgen House was completed in March 1981 with the opening of the Museum of Dresden Romanticism on the first floor. (Further information at museum.de/museen/kügelgenhaus)
Lydia Hänsel (museum guide and deputy chairwoman of the Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband Sachsen e.V. – Kreisorganisation Dresden) & Anna-Thilo Schmalfeld (tour guide with extensive knowledge of history and geography, dresden-sehen.de) lead us on this special exploration tour through Dresden’s old town.
Come along – curiosity is good for you!
Meeting point: 09:50 am at the Kügelgenhaus / Haus ‘Gottessegen’, Hauptstraße 13, 01097 Dresden
Duration: approx. 90 minutes
Note: The Kügelgenhaus is not barrier-free due to its listed status. The museum is on the 2nd floor and there is no lift. In addition, the rooms are relatively narrow, which is why we have to move carefully through the exhibition. We ask you to take this into account when deciding whether to take part in the tour.
The event is organised in cooperation with the Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband Sachsen e.V. – Kreisorganisation Dresden.
Our guided tours and excursions to inclusive places
The tours and excursions take you to places where language plays an important role in conveying information and knowledge. Experts explain the challenges of communicating in an integrative and inclusive way, where this is already successful and where obstacles to communication and understanding repeatedly arise in everyday public spaces.
Das Projekt “Dresden spricht…” wird gefördert durch das Staatsministerium für Soziales und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt. Diese Maßnahme wird mitfinanziert mit Steuermitteln auf Grundlage des vom Sächsischen Landtag beschlossenen Haushaltes im Rahmen des Landesprogrammes Integrative Maßnahmen.