Dynamic Drawing and Encounter
Bautzner Straße 49, 01099 Dresden, Germany
Eintritt bzw. Teilnahme kostenlos
Eintritt bzw. Teilnahme kostenlos
Do you know what it’s like to have a head so full in the evening that it feels like it’s packed in cotton wool? Active relaxation can help. Active? Exactly, not the passive kind in the sense of: Turn on the screen, let Netflix, YouTube or Insta-stories trickle through…
Workshop & Meeting :: DYNAMIC DRAWING
Our moods influence our movements. And – our movements influence our mood. How does it feel to draw standing up, sitting down, with swings in different directions, sometimes faster, sometimes slower?
Dynamic drawing can help you feel light and relaxed. Our workshop leaders Olha and Yuliya will show you how to connect your inside with your outside. Hand movements in a certain shape and direction can act as a meditation and an encounter with yourself. No special skills are required, anyone can do it regardless of experience or language.
Enjoy the flow, relax and try to concentrate only on colours, swings and drawing.
“We think that language is the most important thing in communication. But it’s not only that, there is a deeper way to get to know each other better: through moving and playing.”
This is exactly what the two workshop leaders Olha and Yuliya from Ukraine offer from 31.8.2022 – every Wednesday, 18:30.
No special language skills are required. The workshop leaders speak Ukrainian and English.
Die Workshopreihe ist Teil eines Projekts von Kultur Aktiv (Deutschland) in Zusammenarbeit mit Ta(r)dino 6 Art Platform (Aserbaidschan) und IZOLYATSIA Platform for Cultural Initiatives (Ukraine), das vom Programm Culture of Solidarity der Europäischen Kulturstiftung und der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung gefördert wird.