Näh-Café & Begegnung “Fische und Vögel, Freiheit & Frieden” beim Trachenfest

Alttrachau 31, 01139 Dresden, Germany

Eintritt bzw. Teilnahme kostenlos

Eintritt bzw. Teilnahme kostenlos
“Dresden spricht…” Workshops, guided tours, writing and printing workshops under the motto “Language and writing. Dresden speaks many languages”
Sewing café & encounter on tour! at the Trachenfest on the Hufewiesen
Yuliya, Natasha, Olga and Hannah will be bringing their needlework studio along with needles, thread and pieces of fabric to the Trachenfest on the Hufewiesen on 25 May. Participation is free of charge. We will provide a few needles, yarn and pieces of fabric. If you like, you can of course bring your own materials! Experience does not matter. Suitable for young and old tailors.
During the neighbourhood festival, donations will be collected for the people in Zaporizhzhya (Ukraine).
Of fish & birds, of freedom & peace
Those who are free move ‘like a fish in water’ – but those who are speechless are ‘mute as a fish’. Birds can ‘take off’, ‘take to the skies’ and easily overcome boundaries. Two animal species like two elements – which have inspired writers and musicians time and again. Yuliya, Natasha, Olga and Hannah and the Ukrainian women in our sewing café are enthusiastic about fish and birds – as figures that can be sewn AND as symbols of freedom and peace.
How about an exhibition of animals made of fabric, song and poetry evenings? There are many German and Ukrainian songs, texts and poems that are about letting yourself drift, swimming against the current, spreading your wings or landing safely.
Come along to this non-commercial festival. – It will be colourful and great – flea market and sales, creative things from the neighbourhood, exciting information about bees and co, photos and screen printing, fairy tales, climbing tower and ice cream – what more could you want – well, food – but that’s taken care of too! There will be wonderful music and everyone can start the straw ball fight at 6 pm sharp.
The Hufewiesen e.V. (Dresden Trachau) organises a series of events and activities around the Hufewiesen every year. From festivals and community meetings to cleaning campaigns and more, the association is committed to the neighbourhood. Every year in May, the mythical creatures (the ‘Trachen’) awaken in the forest on the Hufewiesen and celebrate a wonderful festival with the people for a day. As long as the Hufewiesen meadows remain in limbo as land awaiting development, we organise this day as a utopian vision of what the Hufewiesen meadows could be.
Where to put your own ideas? Get active now!
We support people with migration experience in realising their own ideas and needs. We help you with the conception and organisation of various meeting formats that deal with the topics of language and understanding.
All volunteers can familiarise themselves with volunteering and working in a cultural association and try things out in an uncomplicated way. In this way, you can become active in civil society and build on your experience.
If you are interested, please contact us directly!
Das Projekt “Dresden spricht…” wird gefördert durch das Staatsministerium für Soziales und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt. Diese Maßnahme wird mitfinanziert mit Steuermitteln auf Grundlage des vom Sächsischen Landtag beschlossenen Haushaltes im Rahmen des Landesprogrammes Integrative Maßnahmen.