Stefan Richter – Bosnia

Stefan Richter – Bosnia

31. January 2023
20:00 - 22:00
In Kalender eintragen
Görlitzer Str. 42 HH, 01099 Dresden, Germany
Free entry
Free entry

Winterreisen. 11 weeks. 11 lectures. At the beginning of the year, every week Tuesday in the Veränderbar will be a travel lecture. Program overview

On the road in the “wild” East of Europe

Experience scenic beauty and stories from a not everyday hiking trip with humorous and thoughtful experiences in a lecture by Stefan Richter.

The Balkans fascinate with wide, often untouched landscapes and a colorful mixture of different cultures. Deep forests, rugged mountains with remote mountain villages, rushing rivers and sparkling glacier lakes, bustling and modern cities, hearty food and warm people promise experiences of a special kind.
We were on the road in Bosnia-Herzegovina on unpaved secondary roads, hiked in the heart of the Dinaric Alps, through the Sutjeska National Park, climbed the Maglic and spent the night in mountain huts, bathed in the glacier lake, enjoyed the flair of medieval old towns and experienced this and much more up close. We did not let the efforts of steep mountain ascents stop us and were rewarded with fantastic landscapes and warm encounters.

Traveling in the Balkans also means experiencing contrasts and change. Frightening conflicts of the past alternate with natural coexistence, oriental-looking mosques meet Catholic and Orthodox churches, Ottoman culture meets Wilhelminian times, mountains border on incisive gorges, Turkish ingenuity meets Dalmatian craftsmanship, Cyrillic alternates with Latin script – and tradition meets the influence of Western lifestyle of returning Balkan war refugees.

With brilliant photos, videos and entertaining stories, the lecture takes you on an exciting journey into what may be Europe’s last adventure.



In cooperation with Art der Kultur

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