In April and May 2022, young people in the zusammen.HALT project will creatively and playfully address the question: How is social cohesion created? Where does the boundary of the common begin, where is the freedom of the other restricted? How was this done in the GDR? What coercive measures, but also what freedoms were there?
Gemeinsam mit Schülerinnen und Schülern der Freien Alternativschule Dresden sowie des Friedrich-Schiller-Gymnasiums Pirna besuchen wir die historischen Orte Gedenkstätte Bautzner Straße (ehemals Stasi-Gefängnis) und Festung Königstein (ehemals
Together with students from the Freie Alternativschule Dresden and the Friedrich-Schiller-Gymnasium Pirna, we visit the historical sites of the Bautzner Straße Memorial (former Stasi prison) and the Königstein Fortress (former Jugendwerkhof). We also look for historical places on the school grounds themselves or in the surrounding area. We meet contemporary witnesses or people who had intensive exchanges with former contemporary witnesses. Stories from the families of the students themselves are also welcome.
26.04.-29.04. & 11.-13.05.2022 Workshop with pupils of a 9th grade class from the Freie Alternativschule Dresden with excursions to the Bautzner Straße Memorial in Dresden and to Königstein Fortress, citizen journalism and role play
23-25.05.2022 Workshop with pupils of the Friedrich-Schiller-Gymnasium Pirna with excursion to Königstein Fortress, citizen journalism and role play

The participatory workshops use the methods of citizen journalism and role play. In citizen journalism, the participants will research stories from everyday life in the GDR under professional guidance and prepare them for the media. New media such as blogs or social media offer good opportunities for publication. In the role play, the participants themselves work out concrete scenarios for the game as well as the group and individual roles under supervision. This ensures that the roles are based on the interests of the players and are thus closer to their real lives. The workshops were developed in advance together with the schools and the educators. The pupils were introduced to the topic in advance and can thus prepare for it.
It is also about living together in today’s society. Cohesion is often invoked today: How can our democracy fulfil this wish without shaking its own foundations, which include plurality and individual freedom?

The zusammen.HALT project is open for further cooperation with schools and other educational partners. We would be happy to work with you to develop free historical education workshops on the history of the GDR that are tailored to the needs of your children and young people in the period from autumn 2022 to summer 2023!
contact: marcus.oertel@kulturaktiv.org

The project zusammen.HALT, sponsored by the Bautzner Straße Memorial and in cooperation with Kultur Aktiv, is funded by the federal programme „Jugend erinnert“ for coming to terms with GDR injustice and will run until the end of 2023.