District Walk in Altstadt

District Walk in Altstadt

22. October 2021
15:00 - 18:00
In Kalender eintragen
Volkshochschule Dresden e.V.
Annenstraße 10, 01067 Dresden, Germany
Participation is free of charge.

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Participation is free of charge.

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At Treffpunkt ostZONE we ask and remember together. In the exchange – between generations and cultures about past and present – every life journey is taken seriously.

DISTRICT WALK with workshop: On the trail of Kracht 

The artist Janina Kracht takes you to the “Kunst am Bau” of her father – Friedrich Kracht. Where is Kracht art in Dresden, how were the works created, what did he work with? How did he cooperate with international artists, e.g. from Africa? Afterwards, Janina Kracht will artistically implement what she has seen and heard with you in a small workshop.

The event takes place in cooperation with Volkshochschule Dresden e.V..

The project Treffpunkt ostZONE. Remember and Shape is funded by the House of Resources Dresden +. This measure is co-financed with tax funds on the basis of the budget passed by the Saxon state parliament within the framework of the state program Integrative Measures

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