Jens Pabst | Guatemala – Colombia

Görlitzer Str. 42 HH, 01099 Dresden, Germany

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Guatemala – a country with many faces
We have read about the Mayan pyramids, the colonial city of Antigua and breathtaking landscapes. When we enter Guatemala, we still have hardly any idea what to expect.
In a comfortable tourist bus we drive to Tikal to see the world-famous Mayan buildings. On the other hand, we need two days’ walk to reach the still almost unknown Mayan metropolis El Mirador, hidden in the jungle. Thanks to our local guide and the cook, we learn a lot about life in Guatemala on the way. In lively Chichicastenango, we marvel at a market day where Mayan descendants from all parts of the country haggle over an almost unimaginable range of goods and how Mayan gods are still worshipped in front of Catholic churches. On our further tour, we visit the colonial-style city of Antigua, well preserved thanks to an earthquake. There, gigantic churches alternate with low, chicly renovated houses full of souvenir shops, restaurants or hotels.
The counterpart to so much culture is the impressive diversity of nature: Caribbean beaches, tropical rainforests, gigantic lakes or cloud forests in the mountains. We get closer to a few of the dozens of volcanoes on a three-day hike through remote villages and even support a school project in the process. Near the spectacular Semuc Champey nature reserve, where a river fills interlocking terraces with crystal-clear water, we then experience a dicey situation. More about this on the winter trip to the Latin American country of Guatemala.
It’s that time again. Our already traditional Winterreisen event series continues from March to April 2022. The lectures will take place in a new location! We are happy to be guests at veränderbar (artderkultur) this year. A wide variety of people will talk about their travel experiences in a cosy atmosphere, so that even in colder weather you can revel in the faraway places.
29.03.2022 | Matthias Schumann | Moldova - Transnistria 05.04.2022 | Jens Pabst | Guatemala - Colombia
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