Podium discussion in Johannstadt

Podium discussion in Johannstadt

3. July 2021
11:00 - 13:00
In Kalender eintragen
Johannstädter Kulturtreff e.V.
Elisenstraße 35, 01307 Dresden, Germany
Panel discussion
Eintritt bzw. Teilnahme kostenlos
Participation is free of charge.

Contact: info@kulturaktiv.org
Panel discussion
Eintritt bzw. Teilnahme kostenlos
Participation is free of charge.

Contact: info@kulturaktiv.org

At Treffpunkt ostZONE we ask and remember together. In the exchange – between generations and cultures about past and present – every life journey is taken seriously.

PODIUM DISCUSSION: Russia/Soviet Union – big brother? 

with contemporary witnesses Evelyn Harz (teacher at Romain-Rolland-Gymnasium, former EOS “Romain Rolland”), Heidi Bohley (1982 co-founder of the independent WOMEN FOR PEACE, 1989 NEW FORUM), Igor Eidman (sociologist, chairman of Forum of Russian-speaking Europeans e.V.) 

Moderation: Marcus Oertel
Live visualization, documentation: Antje Dennewitz

Relations between Germany and Russia or the GDR and the Soviet Union are linked by a long tradition of economic, cultural, technological and political interests. But ask and remember: What were and are the encounters like in everyday life? What connects or separates you personally with the Soviet Union/Russia? How much of the GDR was Soviet? What would you finally like to tell about this time? What image of Russia do you have today?

You are cordially invited to a round of conversations at eye level, in which everyone is allowed to have their say! Our contemporary witnesses will provide further impulses.

The event takes place in cooperation with Johannstädter Kulturtreff e.V. and Plattenwechsel – WIR in Aktion.

The project Treffpunkt ostZONE. Remember and Shape is funded by the House of Resources Dresden +. This measure is co-financed with tax funds on the basis of the budget passed by the Saxon state parliament within the framework of the state program Integrative Measures

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