Text and illustration: Rosa Brockelt · Photos: Yvonn Spauschus

Karin grew up in the Ore Mountains. She lived in the village, on a farm and misses from that time especially the walks in the forest.

Nazanin, Iran/Italy – “The Barilla House is a house of the future: it stands in the middle of the metropolis and the residents look out of the windows. People from all over the world live here and when they cook, the most delicious smells spread. The name stands for an International Community because noodles can be found all over the world and food in general connects.”

Timur, Ukraine – “My house comes from a video game that I love to play. Mindcraft.”

Maria, Germany – “I’m building a pretty house for my mom, with a big tree out front.”

Barbara s a big city kid: she was born in Leipzig and moved with her parents to Dresden when she was still a toddler, where she spent her whole life.

Dörte comes from Templin, in the Uckermark. She grew up in a large 2-family house with a large garden, where the family bred rabbits, among other things. For her studies she went to Potsdam and finally moved to Dresden, where she has already done a little neighborhood walk: Pieschen, Friedrichstadt and finally Gorbitz. Merle, Dörte’s daughter, was born in Friedrichstadt and came to Gorbitz when she was 3. She would like to live like her grandmother, in a big house with a garden. Now she lives in a prefab building, on the 5th floor. She would love to have a playground right next to the house, two cats and a room to herself with a big loft bed.

Inge’s first house was in a tiny village in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. It was small, had a stable with rabbits, goats and chickens. After a time in Lusatia, she moved on to Dresden, first to Pieschen and then to Gorbitz, where she still lives today.

Yulia comes from Kazakhstan. She grew up in the city, about half the size of Dresden. When she was 21, she moved to Moscow to a big house. 7 years later she moved to Dresden. Here she lives in Löbtau, in a cube house just on the border with Gorbitz. “This is the garden house my grandparents built in Kazakhstan. We used it as a family vacation home back then and I have many fond memories there. The house was unfortunately demolished when the nearby town, Qostanai, was expanded.”

More information
Club Passage (JugendKunstschule Dresden)
Leutewitzer Ring 5 · 01169 Dresden
Mail: passage@jks.dresden.de · Phone: 0351 411 26 65
Dresdner Nachbarschaften – sichtbar, vernetzt, engagiert!
Neighbourhoods are everywhere – we are right in the middle of it. With district walks, conversations in the green, creative workshops, exhibitions and much more.
Project coordination
Yvonn Spauschus (project management)
Yulia Vishnichenko · Moussa Mbarek · Nadine Wölk · Nazanin Zandi (workshop leader)
Rosa Brockelt · Rosa Hauch · Falk Goernert (moderation and documentation)
Cooperation partners
Club Passage / JugendKunstschule Dresden · Omse e.V. · Chinesisch Deutsches Zentrum e.V. · Treffpunkt Prohlis / Malteser Hilfsdienst e.V. · Stadtteilverein Johannstadt e.V. · Neues Volkshaus Cotta / Konglomerat e.V. · Montagscafé / Staatsschauspiel Dresden · Freizeitclub / Lebenshilfe Dresden e.V. · Quartiersmanagement Prohlis, Johannstadt und Gorbitz
Supported by
The project is funded by the State Ministry for Social Affairs and Social Cohesion. This measure is co-financed with tax funds on the basis of the budget passed by the Saxon state parliament within the framework of the state programme Integrative Maßnahmen.