How does Dresden speak?

Dresdeners, newcomers and married couples speak Saxon on the street after a relatively short time, in any case. High German is spoken at school, at least most of the time. French?

It sounds French from some schools, certainly from the RoRo and therefore also on the Neumarkt when it’s Europe Day and the Romain Rolland High School choir performs.

Waiting for Macron.

Emmanuel Macron begins his speech at the festival … German and tens of thousands are enthusiastic.

For many, it was a surprise and so they applauded for almost every half-sentence. Contrary to expectations, the French head of state does not speak French but German. This is more than just a gesture. At this moment, Europe has won, at this moment the Saxon is wearing his baguette under his arm and the béret in all colors on his head.

But when the content became more complex, the topics more difficult, it was in Macron’s mother tongue. Just like at the Sorbonne, he lectured on the general world situation, on how to deal with social media, he spoke about the war against Ukraine and many Ukrainians said goodbye and went home. Why now?

They don’t speak French and can’t read the teleprompter in German and English, or can’t do so quickly.

Only connoisseurs of the language remain, are either enthusiastic or begin to discuss. A palpable restlessness develops, the lack of understanding is almost palpable.

The language elite can follow, the others don’t feel picked up. Something is happening over their heads that remains hidden from them.

Macron’s speech ends in German and French again and everyone who can still hear him is enthusiastic again.

Those who have understood him completely are still happy to discuss the following day, whether they are Ukrainian, German or Polish – language unites.

Rosa Hauch

Dresden spricht …

Workshops, tours, writing and printing workshops under the motto “Dresden speaks many languages”


Porject coordination
Yvonn Spauschus (Projektleitung)
Yulia Vishnichenko · Moussa Mbarek · Nadine Wölk · Rosa Brockelt · Yuliya Firsova · Martin Mannig (workshop leader)
Rosa Brockelt · Rosa Hauch · Falk Goernert · Birthe Mühlhoff (moderation, documentation)
Adina Rieckmann · Lydia Hänsel (tourguides)
Inge · Mahsa · Karin (voluntary help)

Cooperation partners
JugendKunstschule Dresden – Standort Passage, Omse e.V., Nachbarschaftshilfeverein, Stadtteilverein Johannstadt e.V., Malteser Hilfsdienste e.V., Jugendhaus LILA as well as Chinesisch-Deutsches Zentrum e.V., Lebenshilfe Dresden e.V., GEH8 Kunstraum und Ateliers e.V., Umweltzentrum Dresden – ABC Tische and many more

Supported by

The project is funded by the State Ministry for Social Affairs and Social Cohesion. This measure is co-financed with tax funds on the basis of the budget passed by the Saxon state parliament within the framework of the state programme Integrative Maßnahmen.