Market café in Neustadt

Market café in Neustadt

10. September 2021
12:00 - 14:45
In Kalender eintragen
Bautzner Straße Dresden Memorial
Bautzner Straße 112a, 01099 Dresden, Germany
Eintritt bzw. Teilnahme kostenlos
Participation is free of charge.

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Eintritt bzw. Teilnahme kostenlos
Participation is free of charge.

Contact and further information:

At Treffpunkt ostZONE we ask and remember together. In the exchange – between generations and cultures about past and present – every life journey is taken seriously.

MARKET CAFÉ on the topic: „The other side? Soviet era and Stasi files“

In an open atmosphere, a “look” at the Soviet occupation period and state control is made possible.

How did the controls work in everyday life in the GDR? What did it mean to “have” a Stasi file? Who was watching the Soviet soldiers? Ask and remember together with the artist Susan Donath, expert in the culture of mourning and dying, accompanied by Elena Pagel (live drawing performance).

Afterwards – 14:00-14:45 – a guided tour of the memorial will be offered.

The event takes place in cooperation with Erkenntnis durch Erinnerung e.V. / Gedenkstätte Bautzner Straße Dresden.

The project Treffpunkt ostZONE. Remember and Shape is funded by the House of Resources Dresden +. This measure is co-financed with tax funds on the basis of the budget passed by the Saxon state parliament within the framework of the state program Integrative Measures

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