Workshop – The DRAWING as a Leporello (Advanced Course 2/2)

Prießnitzstraße 18, 01099 Dresden, Germany

Eintritt bzw. Teilnahme kostenlos

Eintritt bzw. Teilnahme kostenlos
yOUR Community – Encounters, movement and cultural education for intercultural community
The workshop group creates a common picture in a LEPORELLO
2-day weekend workshop on 01./02.10.22
During the two days of the course, you will create fold-out pictures together with Anne Rosinski. The leporello, a folding book that is folded like an accordion, allows you to tell a story through several pictures. Together we will find themes that are interesting for us personally. What else can I do with the paper? I can shape it with the help of drawing, I can add writing to it. I can cut it, tear it, glue it, print it, sew it, perforate it, maybe even emboss it. With all these design techniques, you can create your very own picture stories, which Anne would like to present with you in a small exhibition at the end of the course.
We will provide the material. But of course you are welcome to bring your own pens, brushes, paints, magazines, stamps, needle and thread, glue, scissors and cutter.
Die Kunstkurse ZEICHNUNG sind Teil eines Projekts von Kultur Aktiv (Deutschland) in Zusammenarbeit mit Ta(r)dino 6 Art Platform (Aserbaidschan) und IZOLYATSIA Platform for Cultural Initiatives (Ukraine), das vom Programm Culture of Solidarity der Europäischen Kulturstiftung und der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung gefördert wird.