Text: Rosa Hauch · Photos: Yvonn Spauschus
The conjunctive of possibilities is to become reality over the course of the next twelve months. Valentina Marcenaro, director of the JugendKunstschule Dresden (JKS) remains optimistic. “Even if the processes in the city are not realized so quickly, it is a solid basis on which the project stands. It would also have been possible to find an independent sponsor for the community center. But this way it also seems more predictable for the future.” Valentina has invited Prohlis residents and guests to the Palitzschhof garden for a Sunday chat. She hopes that in the fall the new position for the community center will be filled and also soon a technician can start his work for the citizens there. Planned are a large hall for about 100 people and several smaller rooms for meetings or events, for work or for clubs.

From the Palitzschhof, the view across the Bürgerhaus construction site goes directly to the high-rise building behind it. What interests the people who live there? How often will they take up the offer right on their doorstep? Answers to these questions will come in the future. Answers to the three questions of the Prohlis walk we give ourselves.
Why do you like to meet where you meet?
There is no answer for that. Sometimes memories are attached to a meeting place, and sometimes it’s just conveniently located for everyone. However, it also happens that we meet exactly there, because you can quickly and easily eat or drink something before a concert. The place is particularly quiet. The place is especially cool. The place is special… for us.
There it is cozy or you can watch great people. In this place there are also people you like. People don’t look stupid in this place, there’s Wi-Fi and you can get home even late at night. And the most important reasons are certainly not listed here yet.
How do you imagine a place where you learn something new?
New in the sense of making a – good – experience, then inspirational, imagination-stimulating, surprising.
New in the sense of further education, study, then certainly ergonomically well designed, quiet, with fresh air, fresh coffee and fresh water. Thoughts want to sway fluidly, otherwise there will be nothing with the knowledge.
New in the sense of generally new, then this goes always and everywhere and also in all directions, whereby not all are desired and ordered.
When you enter a new place, what is the first thing you look for?
Someone once said the escape route. I would never have thought of that. Déformation professionnelle or very bad experiences. In foreign cities, a high tower is nice for getting an overview. Does this place awaken memories or longings? The first is certainly a feeling, and that arises even before we can express it and write it down.
Speaking of writing on the writing wall
At the time of the Prohlis walk, the writing wall stood on the lawn in front of the Palitzschhof and the future community center for just one hour. In Arabic, German and Russian, people can immediately read and write what they want for and from the community center. The QR code leads to the English version. So, understanding difficulties will be few. It can be done in passing and anonymously. Anna, Marie and Sarah know that it is possible that not every word … but they rely quite strongly on the strong citizens and their clear words. The wall is ready to receive all the citizens’ wishes for a month, so that the concept of the community center can be completed by citizens for citizens.
More information
JugenKunstschule Dresden · Operator of the Bürgerhaus Prohlis
Bautzner Straße 130 · 01099 Dresden
Contact: Valentina Marcenaro (Director)
Mail: info@jks.dresden.de · Telefon: 0351 796 885 10
stadt:wirken · Conception and implementation of the associated public participation
Jagdweg 15 · 01159 Dresden
Contact: Anna Betsch, Marie Neumann, Sarah Urban
Mail: info@stadtwirken.de · Telefon: 0351 796 885 10

Dresdner Nachbarschaften – sichtbar, vernetzt, engagiert!
Neighbourhoods are everywhere – we are right in the middle of it. With district walks, conversations in the green, creative workshops, exhibitions and much more.
Project coordination
Yvonn Spauschus (project management)
Yulia Vishnichenko · Moussa Mbarek · Nadine Wölk · Nazanin Zandi (workshop leader)
Rosa Brockelt · Rosa Hauch · Falk Goernert (moderation and documentation)
Cooperation partners
Club Passage / JugendKunstschule Dresden · Omse e.V. · Chinesisch Deutsches Zentrum e.V. · Treffpunkt Prohlis / Malteser Hilfsdienst e.V. · Stadtteilverein Johannstadt e.V. · Neues Volkshaus Cotta / Konglomerat e.V. · Montagscafé / Staatsschauspiel Dresden · Freizeitclub / Lebenshilfe Dresden e.V. · Quartiersmanagement Prohlis, Johannstadt und Gorbitz
Supported by
The project is funded by the State Ministry for Social Affairs and Social Cohesion. This measure is co-financed with tax funds on the basis of the budget passed by the Saxon state parliament within the framework of the state programme Integrative Maßnahmen.