Culture Evening at the Puzzle Family Meeting Place

On 20 May, the screen printing workshop of the Dresden Neighbourhoods was a guest at the cultural evening at the Puzzle family meeting place (Omse e.V.). The visitors can spend time together, play, think and have their say. Whether young or old, known or unknown - contacts are cultivated and new contacts are made here.

On 20 May, the screen printing workshop of Dresdner Nachbarschaften was a guest at the cultural evening at the Puzzle family meeting place.

text: Uta Rolland · photos: Yvonn Spauschus

The Puzzle family meeting place run by Omse e.V. is located in the centre of Gorbitz. It is open to all families in the district. Visitors can spend time together, play, think and have their say. Whether young or old, known or unknown – contacts are maintained and new contacts are made here. The KulturWELTGorbitz project as a follow-up project to “Nachbar | macht | Gorbitz” (Neighbour | Makes | Gorbitz) offers meeting places and opportunities and creates space for exchange for people with and without a migration history in order to strengthen the neighbourhood in the Gorbitz residential area.

It is very hot in the afternoon. In the kitchen of the meeting place, food is already being prepared when the actors of the project arrive. The workplaces are prepared. Colourful pots of paint, brushes, stencils, stamps and spatulas are all around. For nine-year-old Ahmad, from Lebanon, it is important to have the names of two friends from his class on his T-shirt – with a heart. He lets himself be helped a little with the letters.

“Thank you for your support of our cultural afternoon. It is through such encounters that I retain the courage and desire to continue to contribute to the beautification of this beloved neighbourhood. Please come again.”

Sören Bär
Staff at the “Puzzle” family meeting place, Omse e.V.

The women sit together at the table, and the topic of “neighbourliness” quickly comes up. Nejah from Somalia talks about a neighbour who often complains. Then she smiles at her friend Uramil from India, who lives in the same house. They met there and do a lot together. Nadja from Morocco raves about her neighbours – they have helped her in many situations from the beginning, from dealing with the authorities to tutoring her three children. They see each other often and also sit down together with homemade cake. Malita tells us that she moved away from Gorbitz a while ago, but would very much like to go back. There are sheets of paper on the table with the word “neighbourhood” in six different languages. Communication works wonderfully, with translation or even with an app. There is a lot of laughter.

The fence on the terrace has filled up with colourful printed textiles. The children proudly show off their works of art. We met as strangers and part as acquaintances. Acquaintances can become friends. But in any case we remain neighbours who want to get to know each other.

Screen printing workshop with Moussa Mbarek
20.05.2022 · Screen printing workshop with Moussa Mbarek
Familientreff “Puzzle” (Omse e.V.)

Dresdner Nachbarschaften
Damals, Heute, Morgen / Zuhören, Erinnern und Gestalten

In our storytelling cafés and discussion groups, district tours and workshops, we want to encourage you to tell stories and develop visions.


Project coordination
Yvonn Spauschus (project management)
Anne Ibelings · Moussa Mbarek · Nadine Wölk (workshop leader)
Uta Rolland · Rosa Brockelt · Rosa Hauch · Falk Goernert (moderation and documentation)

Cooperation partners
JugendKunstschule Dresden · Omse e.V. · Löbtop e.V. · Quartiersmanagement Prohlis, Johannstadt and Gorbitz · Sigus e.V. · In Gruna leben e.V. · UFER-Projekte Dresden e.V.

Supported by

The project is funded by the House of Resources Dresden+