On 02 & 16 July, the Dresdner Nachbarschaften were in Löbtau for the biography workshop.
text: Falk Goernert · photos: Yvonn Spauschus
“We are all looking for a place where we can imagine a future, where the different threads of our lives connect and new tracks are laid.”
Daniel Schreiber
// So I have to make my first experiences with the book today_Thursdays are sewing days_so I said, I’ll just have a look around and say hello, here I am_have you drawn the blue hour_I’m preparing my story; of my family, of my parents_I’m just such a worldly person_I’m also sitting here and sweating for the first time_I’ve never known my neighbours here – unlike in Syria. I don’t know anyone in my house. There’s such a big fluctuation_what you see on it, that’s it_Sabine was like a precious stone_so now you’ve found a beginning_and that’s behind the golden trees with the frog_the sentence is so beautiful_it’s all being put together_what happened_did you bring these chocolate chocolates_I’m a big project_just one street over; I’ve moved back to my roots_glorious, so now I just have to put my pictures in order_I had two brothers_Otto Leberwurst_I had help here and now this is my new world here_everything should be blue_it’s working in me_I have everything to hoe. So carry on well_I have enough material. How can that be worked into a book?
And in the middle of it all, a journey back in time to the long 19th century – Löbtau ante portas: “Everyone had a garden where peas, carrots, pumpkins, roses, lilies, caraway seeds, fennel, parsley, cress, cucumbers, beans, onions, leeks, chervil, linen and flax grew.” And then almost forward in stereo sound to the world of today, to this little side street, directly opposite the clearance service. Right next door is the Magistrale with the tram and with it the (car) traffic and the people walking around. What might their pulse be?
In the final round, K. thinks happily of this talk show in which, to her ears, so much is said without exception. And now – I hear I. say – now another round around the block.
02.07.2022 · Biography workshop in Löbtau
Stadtteilladen (Löbtop e.V.)
16.07.2022 · Biography workshop in Löbtau
Stadtteilladen (Löbtop e.V.)
Dresdner Nachbarschaften
Damals, Heute, Morgen / Zuhören, Erinnern und Gestalten
In our storytelling cafés and discussion groups, district tours and workshops, we want to encourage you to tell stories and develop visions.
Project coordination
Yvonn Spauschus (project management)
Anne Ibelings · Moussa Mbarek · Nadine Wölk (workshop leader)
Uta Rolland · Rosa Brockelt · Rosa Hauch · Falk Goernert (moderation and documentation)
Cooperation partners
JugendKunstschule Dresden · Omse e.V. · Löbtop e.V. · Quartiersmanagement Prohlis, Johannstadt and Gorbitz · Sigus e.V. · In Gruna leben e.V. · UFER-Projekte Dresden e.V.
Supported by
The project is funded by the House of Resources Dresden+